Warwick - Urfwick

Warwick (Urfwick)

RP Cost: 1500 RP | Release Date: April 1, 2010

Warwick, the Blood Hunter, is a fearsome champion in the popular online game League of Legends. Known for his relentless pursuit of prey, Warwick has become a fan favorite due to his unique abilities and intriguing backstory. One of his most iconic skins is the 'Urfwick' costume, which pays homage to the legendary Urf, the Manatee.

The Urfwick skin was released on April 1, 2010, as a special April Fool's Day surprise for League of Legends players. Priced at 1500 RP, this skin transforms Warwick into a hilarious and whimsical version of himself, complete with a manatee-themed outfit and a giant spatula as his weapon of choice.

The story behind the Urfwick skin is rooted in the lore of League of Legends. Urf, the Manatee, was a beloved character in the game's lore, known for his playful nature and his unfortunate demise. Urfwick serves as a tribute to this iconic character, allowing players to embody the spirit of Urf while playing as Warwick.

With the Urfwick skin, Warwick's appearance is drastically altered. He dons a bright blue and white manatee suit, complete with a hood that resembles Urf's face. The skin also features playful animations, such as Warwick flipping his spatula in the air and catching it with a flourish. Additionally, his abilities are visually modified to match the theme of the skin, adding an extra layer of fun to the gameplay experience.

Warwick, the Blood Hunter, is a formidable champion in the League of Legends universe. His story begins with his transformation into a half-human, half-wolf creature, driven by an insatiable hunger for blood. Once a man named Warwick, he was a renowned chemist who sought to unlock the secrets of immortality. However, his experiments took a dark turn, and he became a monster consumed by his own creation.

In the game, Warwick is primarily played as a jungler, utilizing his unique abilities to hunt down and eliminate his enemies. His passive ability, Eternal Hunger, allows him to heal himself when attacking low-health targets, making him a formidable duelist. His Q ability, Jaws of the Beast, allows him to lunge at his enemies, dealing damage and suppressing them. This ability is particularly useful for ganking and securing kills.

Warwick's W ability, Blood Hunt, enhances his movement speed and attack speed when an enemy champion falls below a certain health threshold. This ability makes him an excellent chaser, allowing him to quickly close the gap and secure kills. His E ability, Primal Howl, grants him damage reduction and fear immunity, making him more durable in team fights.

Finally, Warwick's ultimate ability, Infinite Duress, is a powerful crowd control ability that allows him to suppress an enemy champion, dealing damage over time. This ability is often used to initiate team fights or lock down high-priority targets.

Warwick's strengths lie in his ability to sustain himself in the jungle, thanks to his passive ability and his Q ability's healing effect. He excels at ganking and picking off isolated targets, making him a formidable threat in the early and mid-game. Additionally, his ultimate ability provides valuable crowd control, allowing him to initiate team fights and secure kills.

However, Warwick does have some weaknesses. He is relatively weak in the early levels, as he lacks the damage and mobility of other junglers. Additionally, he is susceptible to crowd control effects, as they can interrupt his abilities and prevent him from engaging effectively. Lastly, Warwick's late-game scaling is not as strong as some other champions, making it important for him to gain an early advantage and snowball the game.

Overall, Warwick is a versatile and exciting champion to play in League of Legends. His unique abilities and engaging backstory make him a fan favorite, and the Urfwick skin adds an extra layer of fun and whimsy to his gameplay. Whether you're a seasoned Warwick player or new to the champion, the Urfwick skin is a must-have for any League of Legends enthusiast.

For more information about Warwick and his various appearances, including the Urfwick skin, be sure to visit our page dedicated to the Blood Hunter. Watch videos showcasing his abilities and skins, and dive deeper into the lore of League of Legends.


Warwick is a monster who hunts the gray alleys of Zaun. Transformed by agonizing experiments, his body is fused with an intricate system of chambers and pumps, machinery filling his veins with alchemical rage. Bursting out of the shadows, he preys upon those criminals who terrorize the city's depths. Warwick is drawn to blood, and driven mad by its scent. None who spill it can escape him.

Ally tips:

Follow your Blood Hunt trails to low health enemy champions. Infinite Duress (R)'s distance scales with any Move Speed you gain, even from ally buffs and summoner spells. Jaws of the Beast (Q) will follow enemies who run, dash or teleport if you keep the button held down.

Enemy tips:

Warwick's attacks heal him at low health. Save your disables to finish him off.Warwick is empowered versus low health enemies. Manage your health to keep him at bay.Warwick's ultimate cast range scales with his Move Speed.

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