Warwick - Prestige Winterblessed Warwick

Warwick (Prestige Winterblessed Warwick)

RP Cost: 100 Prestige Points

Release Date: December 2021

League of Legends is known for its vast array of champions, each with their own unique abilities and captivating stories. One such champion is Warwick, a fearsome werewolf who prowls the streets of Zaun. With his latest skin, 'Prestige Winterblessed Warwick,' Warwick receives a stunning makeover that is sure to leave a lasting impression on the battlefield.

The Prestige Winterblessed Warwick skin is a limited edition skin that can only be obtained through the use of Prestige Points. This exclusive currency can be earned by participating in special events and completing missions within the game. With a cost of 100 Prestige Points, this skin is a highly sought-after cosmetic item for Warwick enthusiasts.

Released in December 2021, the Prestige Winterblessed Warwick skin brings a frosty and majestic theme to the champion. The skin features Warwick adorned in a luxurious winter coat, complete with fur trimmings and intricate embroidery. His claws are now icy blue, reflecting the chilling aura that surrounds him. The skin also includes unique visual effects, such as icy trails when he moves and frosty particles when he attacks.

But what makes the Prestige Winterblessed Warwick skin truly stand out is the attention to detail and the level of craftsmanship put into its design. From the intricate patterns on his coat to the subtle shimmer of ice on his fur, every aspect of this skin has been meticulously crafted to create a visually stunning experience for players.

Now, let's delve into the story of Warwick and his place in the League of Legends universe. Warwick was once a man named Warwick von Struwwelpeter, a renowned chemist in Zaun. However, his thirst for power and knowledge led him down a dark path. In his pursuit of immortality, Warwick subjected himself to dangerous experiments, transforming himself into a monstrous hybrid of man and wolf.

Now driven by an insatiable hunger, Warwick roams the streets of Zaun, hunting down his prey with ruthless efficiency. His enhanced senses and razor-sharp claws make him a formidable opponent, capable of tearing through even the toughest of foes. Warwick's ultimate ability, 'Infinite Duress,' allows him to pounce on an enemy, suppressing them and dealing devastating damage.

Despite his monstrous appearance, Warwick's story is one of tragedy and redemption. In the lore of League of Legends, Warwick's transformation was not without consequences. He is haunted by the memories of his past and the lives he has taken. In his heart, he yearns for redemption and a chance to make amends for his actions.

In the game, Warwick is primarily played as a jungler, utilizing his speed and hunting abilities to control the map and secure objectives. His high sustain and crowd control make him a valuable asset to any team. Warwick excels at chasing down enemies and picking off isolated targets, making him a nightmare for squishy champions.

With the Prestige Winterblessed Warwick skin, players can now experience the thrill of playing as this fearsome werewolf in a whole new light. Whether you're a fan of Warwick's lore or simply appreciate the beauty of this skin, the Prestige Winterblessed Warwick is a must-have for any collector.

On this page, you can find all the information and videos showcasing the various appearances of Warwick, including the Prestige Winterblessed Warwick skin. Explore the depths of his lore, discover his strengths and weaknesses, and witness the power of the werewolf firsthand.


Warwick is a monster who hunts the gray alleys of Zaun. Transformed by agonizing experiments, his body is fused with an intricate system of chambers and pumps, machinery filling his veins with alchemical rage. He bursts from the shadows to prey upon those criminals who terrorize the city's depths. Warwick is drawn to blood, driven mad by its scent… and none who spill it can escape him.

Ally tips:

Follow your Blood Hunt trails to low health enemy champions. Infinite Duress (R)'s distance scales with any Move Speed you gain, even from ally buffs and summoner spells. Jaws of the Beast (Q) will follow enemies who run, dash or teleport if you keep the button held down.

Enemy tips:

Warwick's attacks heal him at low health. Save your disables to finish him off.Warwick is empowered versus low health enemies. Manage your health to keep him at bay.Warwick's ultimate cast range scales with his Move Speed.

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