Warwick - Hyena Warwick

Warwick (Hyena Warwick)

RP: 975 | Release Date: November 19, 2010

Warwick, the blood-hungry werewolf, has been a fearsome presence on the Summoner's Rift since the early days of League of Legends. With his savage abilities and relentless pursuit of prey, Warwick has become a fan-favorite champion for those who enjoy playing aggressive and high-impact roles. Over the years, Warwick has received several skins to showcase his different personas, and one of the most iconic among them is the 'Hyena Warwick' skin.

The 'Hyena Warwick' skin was released on November 19, 2010, and has since become a popular choice for players who want to add a touch of madness and chaos to their gameplay. Priced at 975 RP, this skin offers a unique visual and thematic experience that sets it apart from Warwick's other appearances.

When it comes to the design of the 'Hyena Warwick' skin, Riot Games has truly captured the essence of a crazed and maniacal predator. Warwick's appearance is transformed into that of a hyena, with his fur taking on a mottled pattern of brown and yellow. His eyes glow with an eerie yellow hue, reflecting his insatiable hunger for blood. The skin also features new animations and sound effects, further enhancing the overall experience of playing as this deranged beast.

One of the standout features of the 'Hyena Warwick' skin is the unique recall animation. When Warwick recalls, he crouches down and starts laughing maniacally, showcasing his wild and unpredictable nature. This recall animation perfectly encapsulates the theme of the skin and adds an extra layer of personality to the champion.

Now, let's delve into the story of Warwick and how he came to be the fearsome predator we know today. Warwick was once a renowned chemist named Warwick von Struwwelpeter, who resided in the city of Zaun. Driven by his insatiable curiosity and desire for power, Warwick delved into forbidden experiments, seeking to unlock the secrets of immortality.

However, his experiments took a dark turn when he started using the flesh and blood of living creatures as ingredients. Consumed by his obsession, Warwick lost his humanity and transformed into a monstrous werewolf. His mind shattered, he became a bloodthirsty predator, roaming the streets of Zaun in search of his next victim.

Warwick's abilities reflect his savage nature and his relentless pursuit of prey. His passive ability, 'Eternal Hunger,' allows him to heal himself when he damages enemies, making him a formidable duelist. His Q ability, 'Jaws of the Beast,' allows him to lunge at his target, dealing damage and suppressing them. This ability is perfect for catching out enemies and securing kills.

Warwick's W ability, 'Blood Hunt,' enhances his movement speed and attack speed when an enemy champion's health drops below 50%. This ability makes him a terrifying threat in team fights, as he can quickly close the gap and tear through squishy targets. His E ability, 'Primal Howl,' reduces incoming damage and fears nearby enemies, providing him with additional survivability and crowd control.

Finally, Warwick's ultimate ability, 'Infinite Duress,' allows him to pounce on a target, suppressing them and dealing a significant amount of damage over a short duration. This ability is Warwick's signature move and can turn the tide of a team fight when used effectively.

In the world of League of Legends, Warwick is often played as a jungler due to his strong dueling potential and ability to sustain himself in the jungle. His kit allows him to gank lanes effectively, especially when his ultimate is available. Warwick's playstyle revolves around hunting down enemies and picking off isolated targets, making him a formidable threat in the hands of skilled players.

On this page, you can find information and videos about all of Warwick's appearances, including the 'Hyena Warwick' skin. Whether you prefer the madness and chaos of the hyena or the classic look of the base skin, Warwick offers a thrilling and visceral gameplay experience that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.


Warwick is a monster who hunts the gray alleys of Zaun. Transformed by agonizing experiments, his body is fused with an intricate system of chambers and pumps, machinery filling his veins with alchemical rage. Bursting out of the shadows, he preys upon those criminals who terrorize the city's depths. Warwick is drawn to blood, and driven mad by its scent. None who spill it can escape him.

Ally tips:

Follow your Blood Hunt trails to low health enemy champions. Infinite Duress (R)'s distance scales with any Move Speed you gain, even from ally buffs and summoner spells. Jaws of the Beast (Q) will follow enemies who run, dash or teleport if you keep the button held down.

Enemy tips:

Warwick's attacks heal him at low health. Save your disables to finish him off.Warwick is empowered versus low health enemies. Manage your health to keep him at bay.Warwick's ultimate cast range scales with his Move Speed.

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