Warwick - Firefang Warwick

Warwick (Firefang Warwick)

Cost: 975 RP | Release Date: November 19, 2010

Firefang Warwick is a fearsome skin that transforms the already menacing Warwick into a fiery predator. With its blazing red fur, glowing eyes, and fiery particles, this skin truly embodies the essence of a fire-themed champion. Released on November 19, 2010, Firefang Warwick has become a popular choice among players who seek to strike fear into the hearts of their opponents.

The Firefang Warwick skin introduces a whole new visual experience for players who enjoy playing as the Blood Hunter. The skin features a complete redesign of Warwick's appearance, giving him a fiery and demonic look. His fur is now a vibrant shade of red, with flames flickering across his body. His eyes glow with an intense fiery hue, adding to his menacing presence on the battlefield.

Not only does Firefang Warwick look visually stunning, but it also comes with unique particle effects that enhance the overall theme of the skin. When Warwick activates his Blood Hunt (W), his claws ignite with flames, leaving a trail of fire as he dashes towards his prey. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Infinite Duress (R), unleashes a torrent of fire upon his target, intensifying the impact of his devastating attack.

Warwick, the Blood Hunter, is a champion with a rich and intriguing backstory. Once a man named Warwick, he was transformed into a monstrous werewolf-like creature through a series of cruel experiments. Driven by an insatiable hunger for blood, Warwick prowls the streets of Zaun, hunting down his victims relentlessly.

Warwick's strength lies in his ability to track down and hunt his enemies with unparalleled speed and precision. His Blood Hunt ability allows him to detect low-health targets, granting him increased movement speed and attack speed when he gets close to them. This makes him a formidable duelist and an excellent pick for players who enjoy aggressive playstyles.

However, Warwick also has his weaknesses. He lacks crowd control abilities, making him vulnerable to champions who can kite or disable him from a distance. Additionally, his early game can be challenging, as he heavily relies on his ultimate ability to secure kills. Without it, he may struggle to make a significant impact in the early stages of the game.

In the world of League of Legends, Warwick holds a unique place as a champion who embodies the primal and savage nature of the game. His story and appearance make him a fan-favorite, and his gameplay mechanics offer a thrilling experience for those who enjoy playing aggressive and relentless champions.

On this page, you can find detailed information and videos showcasing all of Warwick's appearances, including the Firefang Warwick skin. Whether you're a fan of his classic look or prefer the fiery aesthetic of Firefang Warwick, this page will provide you with everything you need to know about this iconic champion.


Warwick is a monster who hunts the gray alleys of Zaun. Transformed by agonizing experiments, his body is fused with an intricate system of chambers and pumps, machinery filling his veins with alchemical rage. He bursts from the shadows to prey upon those criminals who terrorize the city's depths. Warwick is drawn to blood, driven mad by its scent… and none who spill it can escape him.

Ally tips:

Follow your Blood Hunt trails to low health enemy champions. Infinite Duress (R)'s distance scales with any Move Speed you gain, even from ally buffs and summoner spells. Jaws of the Beast (Q) will follow enemies who run, dash or teleport if you keep the button held down.

Enemy tips:

Warwick's attacks heal him at low health. Save your disables to finish him off.Warwick is empowered versus low health enemies. Manage your health to keep him at bay.Warwick's ultimate cast range scales with his Move Speed.

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