Thresh - Worlds 2013 Thresh

Thresh (Worlds 2013 Thresh)

RP Cost: 975 RP | Release Date: October 4, 2013

Thresh, the Chain Warden, is one of the most iconic and versatile support champions in the game of League of Legends. With his eerie appearance and unique abilities, Thresh has captured the hearts of players since his release in 2013. One of his most notable skins is the 'Worlds 2013 Thresh' skin, which was introduced during the League of Legends World Championship in the same year.

The Worlds 2013 Thresh skin is a commemorative skin that celebrates the competitive spirit of League of Legends and the pinnacle of esports. It features Thresh adorned in the colors and symbols of the World Championship, showcasing his allegiance to the prestigious event. The skin incorporates thematic elements from the tournament, including the iconic trophy and the World Championship logo, making it a must-have for fans and collectors alike.

Visually, the Worlds 2013 Thresh skin is a stunning representation of the champion's dark and sinister nature. Thresh's traditional chains are replaced with golden ones, symbolizing his connection to the World Championship. His lantern, which serves as a vital tool for his team, is transformed into a gleaming trophy, adding a touch of grandeur to his kit. The attention to detail in this skin is remarkable, with intricate designs and effects that truly bring the World Championship spirit to life.

Not only does the Worlds 2013 Thresh skin offer a visually appealing experience, but it also enhances the gameplay of the champion. Thresh's abilities receive unique visual and sound effects, making each ability cast feel more impactful and satisfying. From the moment you hook an enemy with your Death Sentence to the dramatic play of The Box, every ability showcases the power and prestige of the World Championship.

Thresh, as a champion, has a rich lore and a captivating story. He is known as the Chain Warden, a twisted and sadistic being who revels in the torment of souls. Thresh was once a human named Sahn Uzal, a cruel jailer who delighted in the suffering of his prisoners. When the Shadow Isles were consumed by the Black Mist, Sahn Uzal's soul was trapped, and he became Thresh, a malevolent spirit who collects and tortures souls for eternity.

In the game, Thresh's strengths lie in his ability to control the battlefield and set up plays for his team. His signature ability, Death Sentence, allows him to hook enemies from a distance, bringing them closer to his team for a potential kill. Thresh's Dark Passage ability provides utility and protection, allowing him to save allies from danger or engage in aggressive plays. His ultimate ability, The Box, creates a zone of slow and damage, punishing enemies who dare to cross its boundaries.

However, Thresh also has weaknesses that players must be aware of. He is a relatively squishy champion, making him vulnerable to burst damage if caught out of position. Thresh's abilities require precise timing and skill to maximize their effectiveness, and missing crucial hooks or misusing his lantern can significantly impact his impact in team fights. Additionally, Thresh's passive, Damnation, requires him to collect souls from fallen enemies to increase his armor and ability power, making early laning phase crucial for his scaling.

Thresh's place in the game is highly valued, especially in the support role. His versatility allows him to adapt to various team compositions and playstyles. Thresh's crowd control and utility make him an excellent pick for engaging or disengaging fights, and his lantern provides a unique tool for saving teammates or initiating plays. His presence in professional play is also notable, with many support players considering Thresh as a staple pick due to his playmaking potential and ability to turn the tides of a game.

On the page dedicated to Thresh's 'Worlds 2013 Thresh' skin, you can find more information about the champion, including his other skins and their respective details. Additionally, videos showcasing Thresh's abilities and gameplay are available, allowing players to witness the power and versatility of this iconic champion.

Thresh, with his Worlds 2013 Thresh skin, embodies the spirit of competition and the grandeur of the League of Legends World Championship. Whether you're a fan of Thresh or a collector of prestigious skins, the Worlds 2013 Thresh skin is a must-have addition to your collection.


Sadistic and cunning, Thresh is an ambitious and restless spirit of the Shadow Isles. Once the custodian of countless arcane secrets, he was undone by a power greater than life or death, and now sustains himself by tormenting and breaking others with slow, excruciating inventiveness. His victims suffer far beyond their brief mortal coil as Thresh wreaks agony upon their souls, imprisoning them in his unholy lantern to torture for all eternity.

Ally tips:

Communication is key when making use of Thresh's lantern. Let your teammates know how you like to use it. Death Sentence and Flay can be combined in either cast order for powerful combinations. Thresh can collect souls without needing to kill units himself. Planning your map position to be near the most deaths will help to maximize soul collection.

Enemy tips:

Thresh's Death Sentence has a long cast time. Watch for the cast to begin to take evasive actions.Intentionally breaking a wall of The Box can allow a vulnerable ally to escape unscathed.Thresh relies on collecting souls for a portion of his defense and damage. Try punishing him when he moves to collect them.

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