Swain - Crystal Rose Swain

Swain (Crystal Rose Swain)

Cost: 1350 RP | Release Date: February 14, 2021

Swain, the Noxian Grand General, has always been a formidable force on the Rift. With his strategic mind and powerful demonic abilities, he has led countless battles to victory. Now, Swain has embraced a new form of power with his Crystal Rose Swain skin. This elegant and enchanting skin transforms Swain into a regal figure adorned with crystalline roses, showcasing his mastery over both darkness and beauty.

The Crystal Rose Swain skin offers a stunning visual upgrade to the Noxian Grand General. Swain's traditional dark attire is replaced with a luxurious robe adorned with intricate rose patterns. The robe shimmers with a soft glow, reflecting the light of the crystalline roses that adorn it. Swain's iconic raven familiar, Beatrice, is also transformed into a majestic bird with crystalline feathers, perfectly complementing Swain's new aesthetic.

Not only does Crystal Rose Swain offer a visual upgrade, but it also brings new animations and effects to the table. Swain's abilities are enhanced with a touch of elegance and magic. His Q ability, Death's Hand, now manifests as a flurry of crystalline roses that pierce through his enemies. The W ability, Vision of Empire, creates a stunning crystal formation on the ground, adding an extra layer of beauty to Swain's strategic arsenal.

Swain's ultimate ability, Demonic Ascension, undergoes a dramatic transformation with the Crystal Rose Swain skin. Instead of transforming into a demonic bird, Swain now ascends into a magnificent crystalline form, radiating power and grace. This new form perfectly captures the essence of the Crystal Rose Swain skin, showcasing the beauty and strength that Swain possesses.

Now, let's delve into the story of Swain and his place in the League of Legends universe. Swain, also known as Jericho Swain, is a high-ranking military officer from Noxus. He is a cunning tactician and a master manipulator, always seeking to further the interests of Noxus and expand its influence. Swain's journey in the game began with his release on October 5, 2010.

In the lore, Swain lost his left arm during a battle, but he made a pact with a demon named Beatrice, who granted him immense power in exchange for his soul. With his newfound abilities, Swain quickly rose through the ranks of Noxus and became the Grand General, leading the Noxian forces to victory in numerous conflicts.

Swain's playstyle revolves around his ability to control the battlefield and manipulate his enemies. He excels at crowd control and can turn the tides of team fights with his strategic positioning and devastating abilities. Swain's passive ability, Ravenous Flock, allows him to drain the life force of his enemies, healing himself in the process. This sustain makes him a formidable opponent in both solo lanes and team fights.

Swain's strengths lie in his ability to catch enemies off guard with his crowd control and burst damage. His E ability, Nevermove, roots enemies in place, setting them up for his other abilities. When combined with his Q ability, Death's Hand, Swain can unleash a flurry of damage on his immobilized foes. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Demonic Ascension, transforms him into a powerful demon, granting him increased health, damage, and the ability to drain the life force of multiple enemies at once.

However, Swain does have weaknesses that can be exploited by skilled opponents. His abilities have relatively high cooldowns, making him vulnerable during the downtime. Swain heavily relies on landing his E ability to set up his other abilities, so champions with high mobility or the ability to dodge skillshots can prove to be challenging matchups for him. Additionally, Swain's sustain is dependent on hitting his abilities, so champions that can poke him from a distance or deny him the opportunity to engage can limit his effectiveness.

Overall, Swain is a versatile champion with a unique playstyle that rewards strategic thinking and precise execution. His Crystal Rose Swain skin adds a touch of elegance and beauty to his already formidable presence on the Rift. Whether you're a fan of his tactical prowess or simply appreciate the allure of the Crystal Rose Swain skin, this page provides all the information and videos you need to fully immerse yourself in the world of Swain.

Explore the different appearances of Swain and witness the power of the Crystal Rose Swain skin in action. Immerse yourself in the lore and strategy behind this iconic champion, and discover the countless ways you can dominate the Rift with Swain's demonic abilities and cunning tactics.


Jericho Swain is the visionary ruler of Noxus, an expansionist nation that reveres only strength. Though he was cast down and crippled in the Ionian wars, his left arm severed, he seized control of the empire with ruthless determination… and a new, demonic hand. Now, Swain commands from the front lines, marching against a coming darkness that only he can see—in glimpses gathered by shadowy ravens from the corpses all around him. In a swirl of sacrifice and secrets, the greatest secret of all is that the true enemy lies within.

Ally tips:

If you're having trouble rooting an enemy with Nevermove, try throwing it at opponents when they are near their minions so the explosion surprises them. While laning, try to use Death's Hand's piercing damage to damage opponents from a safe distance. Vision of Empire is quite difficult to land on its own, look for skirmishes around the map where enemies may be distracted or crowd controlled so you can land it more easily. Demonic Ascension may make Swain very hard to kill but he's pretty easy to get away from. Try building items that can slow opponents to keep them in range if their mobility is overwhelming.

Enemy tips:

Swain's passive is very potent if you are immobilized. Make sure to be extra careful around enemies who have immobilizing effects.High mobility counters all of Swain's basic abilities: Death's Hand does more damage the closer he is, Vision of Empire has a very long delay and Nevermove must start returning back to him to be dangerous.Buying an item with Grievous Wounds will make Swain much easier to kill during his Demonic Ascension.

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