Lux - Dark Cosmic Lux

Lux (Dark Cosmic Lux)

RP Cost: 1820 RP

Release Date: July 10, 2019

Dark Cosmic Lux is a mesmerizing skin that brings a whole new level of darkness and cosmic energy to the champion Lux in the popular game League of Legends. Released on July 10, 2019, this skin is a part of the Cosmic skin line, which features cosmic-themed skins for various champions in the game.

Dark Cosmic Lux is priced at 1820 RP, making it a legendary skin. With its stunning visual effects, animations, and voice lines, this skin truly transforms Lux into a cosmic entity of darkness and power.

Details of the Costume

Dark Cosmic Lux is a visually striking skin that showcases Lux in a dark and mysterious form. Her once bright and radiant appearance is now replaced with a deep cosmic darkness, making her an intimidating force on the battlefield.

The skin features a new model for Lux, with intricate cosmic armor and a flowing cape that billows with cosmic energy. Her staff is transformed into a menacing scythe-like weapon, further emphasizing her dark cosmic powers.

The visual effects of Dark Cosmic Lux are truly breathtaking. Her abilities are enhanced with cosmic energy, with dark purple and blue hues dominating her spell effects. Her ultimate ability, Final Spark, unleashes a devastating cosmic explosion that leaves a trail of dark energy in its wake.

Dark Cosmic Lux also features new animations that perfectly complement her dark cosmic theme. Her recall animation shows her summoning a cosmic portal, stepping into it, and emerging in a burst of dark energy. Her taunt animation has her summoning a dark cosmic orb that hovers menacingly in front of her, showcasing her control over the cosmic forces.

Furthermore, Dark Cosmic Lux has new voice lines that reflect her transformation into a cosmic entity of darkness. Her voice is deeper and more sinister, adding an extra layer of intimidation to her character. Her interactions with other champions also reflect her newfound cosmic power, making her a force to be reckoned with.

Lux's Story

Luxanna 'Lux' Crownguard is a powerful mage hailing from Demacia, a kingdom in the world of Runeterra. Born into the prestigious Crownguard family, Lux was expected to follow a path of nobility and honor. However, she possessed a natural affinity for magic, which was frowned upon in Demacia due to their strict anti-magic laws.

Despite the risks, Lux honed her magical abilities in secret, becoming a skilled mage in her own right. She joined the Demacian military, using her powers to protect her kingdom and its people. Lux's abilities revolve around light and illumination, allowing her to manipulate light to shield her allies and unleash devastating bursts of energy on her enemies.

In the game, Lux is primarily played as a mage in the mid or support role. Her long-range abilities and crowd control make her a formidable opponent in team fights. She excels at poking enemies from a safe distance and providing utility to her team with her shields and crowd control abilities.

However, Lux also has her weaknesses. She is relatively squishy and lacks mobility, making her vulnerable to assassins and champions with high burst damage. Additionally, her abilities have long cooldowns, requiring careful management to maximize her impact in fights.

Throughout her journey, Lux has faced numerous challenges and has grown both as a mage and as a person. She has learned to embrace her magical abilities and use them for the greater good, even in a kingdom that fears and shuns magic.

Explore Lux's Appearances

If you want to learn more about Lux and her various appearances in League of Legends, you can find detailed information and videos on this page. Lux has a wide range of skins, each with its own unique theme and visual effects. From the bright and cheerful Star Guardian Lux to the dark and mysterious Dark Cosmic Lux, there is a skin for every Lux fan.

Whether you prefer to play as a radiant beacon of light or embrace the darkness of the cosmos, Lux offers a versatile and exciting gameplay experience. So dive into the world of Lux and discover the magic and power she brings to the Rift!


Luxanna Crownguard hails from Demacia, an insular realm where magical abilities are viewed with fear and suspicion. Able to bend light to her will, she grew up dreading discovery and exile, and was forced to keep her power secret, in order to preserve her family's noble status. Nonetheless, Lux's optimism and resilience have led her to embrace her unique talents, and she now covertly wields them in service of her homeland.

Ally tips:

Lux has great zone control abilities. Try to set up Lucent Singularity to prevent an enemy's advance or escape. If you have trouble landing Prismatic Barrier, remember that it returns to you after it reaches max range. Try positioning yourself to hit your allies with its return trip. Lucent Singularity is a great scouting tool. Try throwing it into brush before walking into it to check for ambushes.

Enemy tips:

Lux has powerful zone control abilities. Try to spread out and attack from different directions so she cannot lock down a specific area.When retreating with low health, be prepared to dodge Lux's Final Spark, a red targeting beam fires prior to the main beam, so try to move to the side if possible.

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