Karthus - Infernal Karthus
Karthus (Infernal Karthus)
RP Cost: 1350 RP
Release Date: November 29, 2018
League of Legends is known for its vast array of champions, each with their own unique abilities and appearances. One such champion is Karthus, the Deathsinger, who has recently received a fiery makeover with his Infernal Karthus skin. This skin, released on November 29, 2018, brings a whole new level of intensity and power to the champion, transforming him into a fearsome embodiment of fire and destruction.
The Infernal Karthus skin is available for purchase in the in-game store for 1350 RP. With its striking visual effects and thematic design, this skin offers players a chance to experience Karthus in a whole new light. Let's delve into the details of this skin and explore the story behind it.
Infernal Karthus: A Fiery Transformation
Infernal Karthus takes the Deathsinger and immerses him in the flames of the underworld. This skin features a complete visual overhaul, transforming Karthus into a menacing figure wreathed in fire. His once pale and ghostly appearance is replaced with a dark, charred complexion, emanating an aura of pure infernal energy.
One of the most striking aspects of the Infernal Karthus skin is the visual effects. Karthus' abilities are now infused with fire, creating a visually stunning display of power. From his Q ability, Lay Waste, which now leaves a trail of flames in its wake, to his ultimate ability, Requiem, which rains down fiery destruction upon his enemies, every ability showcases the destructive force of the inferno.
Additionally, Infernal Karthus boasts new animations that further enhance his fiery theme. His movement is now accompanied by a trail of flames, leaving a burning path in his wake. Even his death animation is transformed, as he crumbles into ashes and is consumed by the flames.
Overall, the Infernal Karthus skin offers players a chance to experience the champion in a whole new way. The combination of thematic design, visual effects, and animations creates a truly immersive and captivating experience.
Karthus: The Deathsinger
Now that we've explored the details of the Infernal Karthus skin, let's take a closer look at the champion himself. Karthus, known as the Deathsinger, is a powerful mage who harnesses the power of death and undeath to decimate his enemies. With his haunting voice and devastating abilities, Karthus is a force to be reckoned with on the Fields of Justice.
As a champion, Karthus possesses a unique set of strengths and weaknesses. His primary strength lies in his ability to deal massive area-of-effect damage, making him a formidable presence in team fights. His Q ability, Lay Waste, allows him to unleash devastating bursts of damage, while his E ability, Defile, drains the life force of nearby enemies.
However, Karthus is not without his weaknesses. He is incredibly squishy and lacks mobility, making him vulnerable to assassins and champions with high burst damage. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Requiem, has a long channel time, leaving him exposed and susceptible to interruption.
In terms of lore, Karthus has a rich backstory within the League of Legends universe. He was once a mortal being, a mage who sought to unravel the mysteries of life and death. In his pursuit of forbidden knowledge, Karthus delved too deep and became consumed by the power of death itself. Now, as an undead lich, he roams the world, singing his haunting dirges and bringing death to all who cross his path.
In the game, Karthus is often played in the mid lane, where he can utilize his powerful area-of-effect abilities to control the battlefield. His ultimate ability, Requiem, is particularly impactful, as it allows him to deal damage to all enemy champions, regardless of their location on the map. This global presence makes Karthus a strategic pick for teams looking to secure kills and turn the tide of battle.
On this page, you can find information and videos showcasing all of Karthus' appearances, including the Infernal Karthus skin. Whether you're a fan of his fiery transformation or simply interested in learning more about this powerful mage, we've got you covered.
So, embrace the flames and unleash the power of the inferno with Infernal Karthus. Whether you're looking to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies or simply appreciate the stunning visual effects, this skin is a must-have for any Karthus player.
The harbinger of oblivion, Karthus is an undying spirit whose haunting songs are a prelude to the horror of his nightmarish appearance. The living fear the eternity of undeath, but Karthus sees only beauty and purity in its embrace, a perfect union of life and death. When Karthus emerges from the Shadow Isles, it is to bring the joy of death to mortals, an apostle of the unliving.
Ally tips:
Ask your allies to help point out when you should use Requiem to get kills in different lanes. Lay Waste is very strong at farming minions and harassing enemy champions.
Enemy tips:
Karthus can cast spells for a short duration after he is killed. Move away from his corpse to be safe.Make sure you always have enough health to survive Requiem, even if you have to go back to the base more frequently to heal.