Kai'Sa - Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa

Kai'Sa (Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa)

RP Cost: 1350 RP

Release Date: August 6, 2020

Kai'Sa, the Daughter of the Void, is a champion in the popular online game League of Legends. She is known for her agility, versatility, and her symbiotic relationship with the Void. With her unique abilities and playstyle, Kai'Sa has become a favorite among players who enjoy high-risk, high-reward gameplay.

One of Kai'Sa's most captivating skins is the Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa. Released on August 6, 2020, this skin offers a stunning visual transformation for the champion, immersing her in the mystical world of dragons and water. Priced at 1350 RP, it provides players with an opportunity to experience Kai'Sa in a whole new light.

The Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa skin features a vibrant color palette, combining shades of blue, green, and gold. Kai'Sa's armor is adorned with intricate dragon-inspired designs, reflecting her connection to the mythical creatures. Her helmet resembles a dragon's head, complete with glowing eyes and sharp teeth, giving her a fearsome appearance on the battlefield.

One of the most notable aspects of the Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa skin is the transformation of her Void-infused abilities. Her Q ability, Icathian Rain, now summons water droplets that cascade down upon her enemies. The W ability, Void Seeker, takes the form of a swirling vortex of water, adding an extra layer of visual impact to her attacks. Additionally, her E ability, Supercharge, envelops her in a watery aura, enhancing her speed and agility.

Furthermore, the Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa skin introduces new animations and sound effects that complement the aquatic theme. From the splashing sounds of her abilities to the fluid movements of her attacks, every aspect of the skin is designed to immerse players in the world of water and dragons.

Now, let's delve into the story of Kai'Sa and her journey in the League of Legends universe. Kai'Sa was once a young girl named Kaisa, living in the city of Shurima. However, her life took a drastic turn when the Void invaded her home. Separated from her family, Kaisa was left to fend for herself in the harsh and dangerous environment.

During her time in the Void, Kaisa formed a symbiotic bond with a Void creature, which saved her from certain death. The creature merged with her, granting her incredible powers and transforming her into the Kai'Sa we know today. With her newfound abilities, Kai'Sa became a hunter of the Void, dedicating her life to protecting others from its horrors.

In the game, Kai'Sa is classified as a marksman, excelling in dealing sustained damage from a distance. Her unique passive ability, Second Skin, allows her to evolve her abilities based on the stats she accumulates throughout the game. This adaptive playstyle makes her a versatile champion, capable of adapting to different situations and playstyles.

Kai'Sa's strengths lie in her ability to quickly burst down enemies with her high damage output. Her Q ability, Icathian Rain, allows her to fire a barrage of missiles, dealing damage to multiple targets. Combined with her W ability, Void Seeker, which fires a long-range projectile that reveals and damages enemies, Kai'Sa can easily pick off vulnerable targets from a safe distance.

However, Kai'Sa also has her weaknesses. She is relatively squishy and lacks crowd control abilities, making her vulnerable to crowd control effects and burst damage. Additionally, her reliance on accumulating stats to evolve her abilities means that she may take longer to reach her full potential compared to other champions.

In the League of Legends community, Kai'Sa has become a popular pick for players who enjoy high-risk, high-reward gameplay. Her unique playstyle and visually appealing abilities make her a favorite among those who seek a dynamic and engaging experience on the Rift.

For more information about Kai'Sa and her various appearances, including the Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa skin, you can visit the official League of Legends website or watch videos on platforms like YouTube. Explore the world of Kai'Sa and embrace the power of the Void!


Claimed by the Void when she was only a child, Kai'Sa managed to survive through sheer tenacity and strength of will. Her experiences have made her a deadly hunter and, to some, the harbinger of a future they would rather not live to see. Having entered into an uneasy symbiosis with a living Void carapace, the time will soon come when she must decide whether to forgive those mortals who would call her a monster, and defeat the coming darkness together… or simply to forget, as the Void consumes the world that left her behind.

Ally tips:

Try to catch enemy carries alone to burst them with Icathian Rain. Work with your teammates to set up your Ultimate and optimize damage with your passive. Make sure to buy items that will evolve at least 1 or 2 of your spells.

Enemy tips:

Kai'Sa is very good at picking off isolated enemies. Stick together against her.Kai'Sa is very vulnerable to getting outranged by mages and long range carries.Make sure to place wards in your blind spots so you can see Kai'Sa coming.

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