Jax - Warden Jax

Jax (Warden Jax)

Cost: 1350 RP | Release Date: April 25, 2012

Warden Jax is a formidable skin that brings a new level of intensity to the already fearsome champion. Released on April 25, 2012, this skin is priced at 1350 RP, offering players a visually stunning and thematically fitting alternative appearance for Jax, the Grandmaster at Arms.

Warden Jax embodies the essence of a vigilant guardian, donning a suit of heavy armor and wielding a massive, ornate polearm. This skin transforms Jax into a fearsome defender of justice, ready to strike down any who threaten the peace. With its intricate details and imposing presence, Warden Jax is a must-have for fans of the champion.

The costume features Jax clad in a suit of silver and blue armor, adorned with intricate engravings and embellishments. The armor is designed to provide maximum protection while allowing for swift and agile movements. The helmet conceals Jax's face, adding an air of mystery to his appearance. The polearm he wields is a massive weapon, with a long shaft and a sharp, crescent-shaped blade at the end. The weapon is a symbol of his authority and power, capable of delivering devastating blows to his enemies.

Warden Jax's abilities also receive a visual upgrade with this skin. His basic attacks now emit a blue energy trail, adding an extra layer of impact to his strikes. Additionally, his abilities showcase new animations and effects, further enhancing the overall experience of playing as Warden Jax.

Now, let's delve into the story of Jax and his place in the League of Legends universe. Jax, the Grandmaster at Arms, is a mysterious and powerful champion who hails from Icathia, a long-lost city consumed by the Void. He is known for his exceptional skill with a variety of weapons, making him a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

Jax's past is shrouded in mystery, as he arrived in the League of Legends without any memory of his origins. Despite this, he quickly rose to prominence as one of the most skilled fighters in the League. His unmatched combat prowess and unwavering determination earned him the title of Grandmaster at Arms, a position that commands respect and fear.

In the game, Jax is a melee fighter who excels in duels and skirmishes. His passive ability, Relentless Assault, allows him to gain increased attack speed with each consecutive hit, making him a fearsome threat in extended engagements. His Q ability, Leap Strike, enables him to quickly close the gap between himself and his enemies, dealing damage in the process. Jax's W ability, Empower, empowers his next basic attack, dealing bonus damage. His E ability, Counter Strike, allows him to dodge incoming attacks and stun enemies in an area around him. Finally, his ultimate ability, Grandmaster's Might, empowers his attacks and grants him bonus armor and magic resistance.

Jax's strengths lie in his ability to scale well into the late game, becoming a formidable force that can single-handedly carry his team to victory. His dueling potential is unmatched, and his ability to split push and take down turrets quickly makes him a valuable asset in any team composition. However, Jax does have weaknesses. He is relatively weak in the early game and can be easily bullied by ranged champions. Additionally, he relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, making him vulnerable to crowd control and ability-based champions.

Overall, Jax is a champion with a rich backstory and a unique playstyle. Whether you're a fan of his lore or simply enjoy his high-octane gameplay, Warden Jax is a skin that perfectly captures the essence of this powerful champion. If you're interested in exploring more about Jax and his various appearances, be sure to check out the videos and information available on this page.


Unmatched in both his skill with unique armaments and his biting sarcasm, Jax is the last known weapons master of Icathia. After his homeland was laid low by its own hubris in unleashing the Void, Jax and his kind vowed to protect what little remained. As magic now rises in the world, this slumbering threat stirs once more, and Jax roams Valoran, wielding the last light of Icathia and testing all warriors he meets to see if any are strong enough to stand beside him...

Ally tips:

Jax can Leap Strike to friendly units, including wards. You can use them to plan your escape. Jax benefits greatly from items that have both Ability Power and Attack Damage such as Guinsoo's Rageblade and Hextech Gunblade.

Enemy tips:

Try to engage him in short bursts instead of going toe-to-toe with him. Preventing him from attacking consecutively drastically lowers his damage output.Jax can dodge all incoming attacks for a very short amount of time and stuns enemies in melee range when it ends. Wait to strike him until after his dodge is finished.

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