Ezreal - Arcade Ezreal
Ezreal (Arcade Ezreal)
RP Cost: 1350 RP | Release Date: August 22, 2012
Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer, is a charismatic and adventurous champion in the popular online game League of Legends. With his quick wit and sharp aim, Ezreal has become a fan favorite among players. One of his most iconic and beloved skins is Arcade Ezreal, which was released on August 22, 2012, and can be purchased for 1350 RP.
Arcade Ezreal is a skin that takes inspiration from classic arcade games, bringing a nostalgic and vibrant aesthetic to the champion. This skin transforms Ezreal into a pixelated hero, complete with a retro arcade machine as his weapon. The skin features unique animations, sound effects, and visual effects that enhance the gaming experience for both Ezreal players and their opponents.
One of the standout features of Arcade Ezreal is his recall animation. When Ezreal recalls, he is enveloped in a pixelated portal and transported back to the base, reminiscent of the teleportation animations seen in classic arcade games. This recall animation adds an extra level of immersion and fun to the skin, making it a must-have for Ezreal enthusiasts.
In addition to the recall animation, Arcade Ezreal also boasts unique abilities and visual effects. His Mystic Shot ability, which is his primary source of damage, is transformed into a pixelated projectile that bursts into a shower of colorful pixels upon impact. His Essence Flux ability, which grants attack speed to allies, is accompanied by a vibrant wave of energy that radiates from Ezreal. And his Trueshot Barrage ultimate ability, which fires a powerful beam of energy across the map, is enhanced with flashy arcade-inspired effects.
Aside from the visual enhancements, Arcade Ezreal also features unique sound effects that further immerse players in the arcade theme. From the satisfying pew pew sound of his Mystic Shot to the nostalgic coin collecting sound when he uses his ultimate ability, every ability and action with this skin is a treat for the ears.
Now, let's delve into the story of Ezreal himself. In the world of League of Legends, Ezreal is a young and ambitious explorer who possesses a natural affinity for magic. He is driven by his insatiable curiosity and desire to uncover ancient artifacts and hidden treasures. Armed with his trusty gauntlet, which amplifies his magical abilities, Ezreal embarks on thrilling adventures across Runeterra.
Ezreal's strengths lie in his long-range poke and burst damage. His Mystic Shot ability allows him to harass enemies from a safe distance, while his Essence Flux ability provides utility and attack speed to his allies. Additionally, his Trueshot Barrage ultimate ability can turn the tide of team fights with its massive damage potential.
However, Ezreal also has weaknesses that players must be mindful of. He is relatively squishy and lacks crowd control abilities, making him vulnerable to assassins and champions with high burst damage. Ezreal's skillshots require precise aim, and missing them can significantly reduce his effectiveness in fights. Players must strike a balance between aggressive play and positioning to maximize Ezreal's potential.
In the world of League of Legends, Ezreal has become an iconic champion due to his unique playstyle and charming personality. He has been a staple pick in both professional and casual play, showcasing his versatility and impact on the game. Whether played as an ADC (Attack Damage Carry) or in the mid lane, Ezreal's presence is always felt on the Rift.
On this page, you can find detailed information and videos showcasing all of Ezreal's appearances, including the beloved Arcade Ezreal skin. Explore the different skins and discover the one that best suits your style. Join Ezreal on his adventures and experience the thrill of being the Prodigal Explorer in the world of League of Legends.
A dashing adventurer, unknowingly gifted in the magical arts, Ezreal raids long-lost catacombs, tangles with ancient curses, and overcomes seemingly impossible odds with ease. His courage and bravado knowing no bounds, he prefers to improvise his way out of any situation, relying partially on his wits, but mostly on his mystical Shuriman gauntlet, which he uses to unleash devastating arcane blasts. One thing is for sure—whenever Ezreal is around, trouble isn't too far behind. Or ahead. Probably everywhere.
Ally tips:
Use Arcane Shift to help line up your other skill shots. You can play Ezreal either as a Attack Damage carry or Ability Power carry depending on how you build him. You can line up Trueshot Barrage to hit multiple minion waves or even Monsters.
Enemy tips:
Ezreal is a very fragile champion so take the fight to him.Ezreal is completely skill shot based, so make sure to keep minions in between you.Mystic Shot applies on-hit effects including the Crest of Cinders.