Dr. Mundo - Executioner Mundo

Dr. Mundo (Executioner Mundo)

Cost: 975 RP | Release Date: November 29, 2010

Dr. Mundo, the Madman of Zaun, is known for his insane experiments and brutal methods. With his new skin, Executioner Mundo, he takes his sadistic nature to a whole new level. This skin transforms Dr. Mundo into a terrifying executioner, ready to deliver punishment to his enemies.

Executioner Mundo features a complete visual overhaul for the champion. Dr. Mundo's usual lab coat is replaced with a dark, tattered robe, adorned with bloodstains and chains. His head is covered with a menacing hood, hiding his face in shadows. The skin also introduces new animations and effects, enhancing the overall theme of an executioner.

One of the most striking aspects of Executioner Mundo is his weapon. Instead of his usual cleaver, he wields a massive, blood-soaked axe. The axe is intricately designed, with sharp edges and a wickedly curved blade. Every swing of this weapon sends shivers down the spines of his enemies.

The abilities of Dr. Mundo also receive a makeover with this skin. His Q ability, Infected Cleaver, now hurls a blood-soaked axe at his foes, leaving a trail of blood in its wake. His W ability, Burning Agony, engulfs him in a dark, fiery aura, intensifying the menacing presence of Executioner Mundo. Even his ultimate ability, Sadism, is enhanced with this skin, as Dr. Mundo's body becomes engulfed in dark energy, symbolizing his insatiable thirst for blood.

Dr. Mundo, the champion behind Executioner Mundo, has a fascinating story within the League of Legends universe. He was once a brilliant doctor in Zaun, but his obsession with finding a cure for all ailments led him down a dark path. Experimenting on himself with dangerous chemicals and potions, he transformed into the deranged and monstrous being he is today.

Despite his madness, Dr. Mundo possesses incredible strength and resilience. His passive ability, Adrenaline Rush, allows him to regenerate a portion of his maximum health over time, making him difficult to kill. His Q ability, Infected Cleaver, deals damage based on a percentage of the target's current health, making him a formidable tank against high-health enemies. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Sadism, instantly restores a significant amount of his health, allowing him to sustain through fights and continue wreaking havoc.

However, Dr. Mundo does have weaknesses. He lacks crowd control abilities, making him vulnerable to champions who can kite or disable him. Additionally, his abilities cost health to cast, which can leave him vulnerable if not managed properly. Despite these weaknesses, Dr. Mundo's sheer durability and damage output make him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

In the world of League of Legends, Dr. Mundo is often played as a top laner or a jungler. His tankiness and sustain make him a great choice for soaking up damage and initiating fights. With his high base damage and health-scaling abilities, he can also dish out significant damage to squishy targets. Dr. Mundo's versatility allows him to fit into various team compositions, making him a popular pick among players.

On this page, you can find information and videos about all the appearances of Dr. Mundo, including his Executioner Mundo skin. Explore the terrifying world of the Madman of Zaun and unleash chaos on the Rift with this brutal executioner skin.


Utterly mad, tragically homicidal, and horrifyingly purple, Dr. Mundo is what keeps many of Zaun's citizens indoors on particularly dark nights. Now a self-proclaimed physician, he was once a patient of Zaun's most infamous asylum. After "curing" the entire staff, Dr. Mundo established his practice in the empty wards that once treated him and began mimicking the highly unethical procedures he had so often experienced himself. With a full cabinet of medicines and zero medical knowledge, he now makes himself more monstrous with each injection and terrifies the hapless "patients" who wander near his office.

Ally tips:

A well-timed Sadism can bait enemy champions into attacking you even when they lack the damage to finish you. Spirit Visage will increase the healing done by your ultimate and lower cooldowns on all of your abilities. Cleavers are a powerful tool for killing neutral monsters. Instead of returning to base, farm neutral monsters until your ultimate can heal you.

Enemy tips:

Try to coordinate high-damage abilities with your allies right after Dr. Mundo uses his ultimate, but if you're unable to kill him quickly with burst he will heal through the damage.Try casting Ignite when Dr. Mundo uses Sadism to negate a large portion of its healing.

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